September 17 - Weekly Progress Report #7

Helloooo everybody! It's that time of the week again, but I'm posting this on Thursday morning since there were technical difficulties on Wednesday (I hurt my wrist!)

As I wrap up Fredrik's scene, it's sitting a little bit below 3,000 words across the two variations. That's quite a bit more than I expected to get out of it, but that lizard has all sorts of quirks and there were many subtleties I wanted to fit into the scene. It hits my buttons pretty well, so you bet there were lots of, uh, "distractions" while writing. Still, it feels good to reach that goal of completing one NSFW scene per week. The next few won't need any character buildup since they involve recruited monsters, so I'm  hoping they take less time to tackle (although the snek sex scene that I'm working on next has 4 different versions... I don't know why I do this to myself)

Playing as an Avian or Reptile, you get the slit variant

The plan for this week is to complete all of the voted-on scenes for our lovely Clouded Quetzal who came in 2nd place in the polls. Since there's alternate versions for the different sexes I'm eager to get started on them sooner than later. This will actually include the first female scene in the game so far, which says a lot about my preferences as a writer! Hell sometimes I feel like I barely know what kind of nuances to tap into for a female scene, but I'll do my best hehe.
I wonder: are most of you who follow this game interested in seeing more male content, female content, or both? Should I make a poll? I made a poll - let me know your preference!

Non-slit variation with a Canine character


Well that's it for this super short update. I'll have a whole slew of SNEK SMUT screenshots to share for next week, though it may be slightly delayed again as that Wednesday is going to be very busy for me. After that I may take a break from NSFW and continue more story content, but that depends if I feel like bonking myself with the no-horny stick temporarily.
See ya then, squawk!

Get Revenir


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I am more of a F/F & B/F type of person but I guess it is what it is judging from the results of the Poll. "By B, I mean as in beasts like Wolves and such"

yeah... thats kinda true


Squawkyfrend, I think your poll may be giving you biased information on this subject. Wouldn't most of the people following this project (and therefore be 90%+ of the people taking the poll) have a male preference or at least strong interest in m/m content given that it's all that's in the currently playable demo? 🤔


Ooh, good point. With that in mind the results are not surprising, and I won't use it for any major decisions... but it's still valuable to know what the current followers are interested in. Now I know there's tons of room to grow the audience 😳...